Tuesday, September 21, 2021

Group blog

     Me and my partner Names names are both Alejandro Ochoa and  Pedro Ribeiro. We both also  take school very seriously we both  have a high GPA's. We work very hard at school so we can maintain this. We are presently working very hard to achieve this goal of getting the aice diploma. He has a job and works a lot and still balances it out. He has had his job for about a year and a half and is now a manager. He has a passion for his job but has a even bigger passion for Wanting to be in real estate.

    He has told me that is his dream to come a millionaire by the age of 21 by real estate and investing. He also has a big passion for must and is in band. he has to balance school, practice, Hw, and Band. Which is a lot for anyone to handle even for people that are full grown adults don't have that much on there hands. Just like me I have a job also that I just started which I will eventually plan to rise up

the ranks also. 

    He has been apart of band for a couple of years three to be exact. Playing video games is something that me and him have in common and something that we both enjoy very much. We both play fortnite and 2k on Xbox which we find very fun. Me and him have actually played together we have played those two together. Since we are both good friends and have been since freshman year of high school.I also pay basketball too and workout so that clumps up my schedule also. 

     He also wants to get into politics once he gets older also.He sayd he has always had a grand passion for politics. He says he wants to make a big difference in America  He feels like he can make impact on the entire world as a politician. he wants to to do everything that he can for his black brothers and sisters. Which is one of the most important things to him out of anything especially as a politician. 

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