Monday, March 28, 2022

Filming for the first time

 After reviewing the footage taken in the last filming session, we decided that the story and filming were

not that great. Instead, I decided that I was going to re-shoot some scenes and make some new ones. I

first started off with discussing some plans with the story and decided that we would have a flashback

to an emergency broadcast, then have the actor wake up to an alarm clock a couple weeks after living in

the apocalypse. I filmed Monzur and Juan sitting on a couch watching TV and talking when all of a

sudden an emergence broadcast pops up on the screen. Next, I filmed a close-up shot of Monzur's eyes

of him sleeping, had an alarm clock go off, him jolt his eyes open then shut off the alarm clock. Then I

had an over the shoulder shot of Monzur writing in a diary of his life in the apocalypse. I filmed him

walking over to his closet where he is keeping his food rations in the apocalypse and show that the

supplies are running low. Next, I filmed him packing a backpack to go on a supply run. After that, I had

a close-up shot of Monzur tying his shoes to get ready for his supply run. I got up on his roof and for

the next shot, I filmed him walking out from his driveway to the street. I got down and did another

close-up shot of Monzur's legs and feet walking down the sidewalk. I discussed with my group how to

do the next shot with Juan hiding around a corner as a zombie. I came up with recording an over the

shoulder shot of Juan standing aimlessly and when the unsuspecting Monzur walks in view, Juan the


is alerted and attacks Monzur. I followed behind Juan while he ran towards Monzur and attacks

him. This was a difficult scene to film as I had to sometimes stop and wait for there to be no traffic and

because of the acting. This scene was shot many, many times. I even moved locations, such as across

the street (with the actors) to get a different perspective on this scene. After what felt like 30 shots of

this scene, My group and I decided that we should be ok in having the right shot and we wrapped up

filming. Within those many different shots of this scene, there is surely 1 that is ok to put in the film. If

none of the shots were good. I planned to meet up with my group on Sunday to finish and to tweak

what we have 

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