Wednesday, March 15, 2023

Production blog hard work pays off

Today march 15, We really got to work. We really got into getting the finishing touches. With effects and cuts. We really wanted everything needed in and then things not out. It feels amazing to see what hard work can create. I feel like we created a masterpiece. Something that is a good cry but is overall amazing and relatable. I feel like that is how a romance movie should be. Although the relationship may have been a little toxic it definitely was relatable. So we tried or make it a realistic and relatable as possible.Again I feel that is exactly what we did. We executed as well as possible. I feel like we have it out best effort and I feel like that is always what you can ask from a group of people. I feel as if hard work pays off because whatever you put in is what you get out.

Monday, March 13, 2023

Production blog almost there

 Today, We are almost there. We are in our final stages of editing. We were all able to get together. For a hard working day. It is amazing how much we got done in such little time.  I thought we would not but we did. We are almost done one more. One more day and then we will be done. It is going to be great to see the finished product. Especially when we are done editing. We finished filming already. So adding these effects while editing has been amazing. Wish I could edit more. It makes mw ant to start. It may make me start a YouTube channel 

Friday, March 10, 2023

Production blog final touches

 3/10/23Today Was  another incredible day. We worked hard. We got a lot done. We just wanted our finishing touches. We w aged to watch back film. We did this for about thirty minutes. Which is not too long. But longer than we wanted. We made sure we made the time limit. Which after editing more and more. We did it. So we actually closer to finishing. We edited some sounds. We also added some music. I personally loved the music. It added suspense. While also adding other emotions. Which we felt made this movie better. Today we wanted everything to be very close to final. It indeed became final.

Wednesday, March 8, 2023

Production blog goal

 3/8/23Today is a magnificent day. We finished our film .This in fact been what we had worked for.For a long time. This is what motivated us. We felt as if our scruple was great. All we had to do was execute it. So we did that we excuted finishing our film.It was long over due. But we did it. The feeling of finishing a goal. Will never get old. When I say never I mean it. I love it. So does everyone else. That feeling was chased. Then it was caught. Nothing can beat that. There will always be goals. Finishing is what is amazing.

Friday, March 3, 2023

Production blog mall

 Today 3/1/23, since we were not able to film. We’re not able to edit either. The reason for this is  everyone had something to do. This was either work or a plans. I decided to go to the mall with my friends since my group mates had things to do. We first went or teh move theater there. We watched a great movie. Which started the day off correct. We then went inside the mall. I specifically wanted a pair of shorts. They wear swim shorts. I need them for the beach. So my friend bought pair too. Then we looked around. Saw some other good things.I bought some other things like clothes and some food and then we left. 

Critical Reflection

        My product engages my audience by it being extremely relatable to many people no matter the race, color, ethnicity or gender everybo...